Egyptian captivity is a widely reported and important event in the history of the entire people Israel. Pharaohwho was disturbed by the enormous growth of the nation JamesHe decided to place upon him a heavy burden in the form of hard labor in the valley of the Nile, followed by the death of all the male descendants of the family. These events are considered as the Egyptian captivity.

This period is assumed to have lasted about 400 years. Exit Israelites from Egypt is described in the biblical books Outputs and Numbers. It was also mentioned in the book of Leviticus and the book of Deuteronomy. The event itself is considered as the founding myth of the nation of Israel.

During the period of enslavement, among the nation Israel there was a husband named Moses. At one period he was adopted by Pharaoh's daughter, being at all times conscious of his Hebrew of origin. Moses during his time with the Medianites, he experienced revelation Yahweh. Mr. ordered him to return to Israel and bringing the nation of Israel out of bondage.

After an unsuccessful attempt to persuade Pharaoh to make concessions, he sent Mr. on him so called Plagues Egyptian. After the release, Moses led his people across the desert toward Canaan. The journey lasted 40 years, during which Mr. Many times he saved people in a miraculous way from death, protecting them from the attacks of the Egyptians, or sending food in the form of manna.

The highlight of the entire trek, and at the same time one of the most important events of the entire history of Christianity is to give the Israelites through Moses Decalogue and the Covenant Code, which is the core of all our faith.