A word of introduction. What is contraception, and what is invitro?

We call contraception certain methods that are intended to prevent pregnancy. The most common forms of contraception are condomsIUDs, hormonal contraception i.e. taking drugs that control a woman's hormonal system and sterilisation.

In vitro is what's called insemination extracorporeal, or artificial inseminationwhich involves implanting a sperm into a female reproductive cell using a special needle, outside the reproductive tract.

Contraception and in-vitro

Contraception and in-vitro are one of the most frequently discussed topics, which must be addressed Church Catholic. Much has been said about the very restrictive rules that govern the Church when talking about contraception or in-vitro.

You might think that by ban on contraception exposes a lot of people to STDs, among other things. So why Church is opposed to contraception? Why Church opposes in-vitro? Both of these topics need to be explored from the inside.

According to Church teachings, these topics belong to the so-called intrinsically evil deeds. According to the Church, these deeds are not justified by anything. They oppose the basic assumptions of the family model and the purposes for which the family was established. The marital relationship, according to the Church, combines two aspects. There is the bonding aspect and the procreative aspect.

Both contraception and in-vitro tear these two aspects apart and at the same time seek to disrupt the marriage relationship. By using these "unnatural" techniques (contraception, in-vitro) man in a way opposes the will of God and the generally accepted model of the family. In addition, according to the Church at the moment of using such techniques man puts himself in the role of a decision-maker and in his own way tries to control, as it were, the fact of the appearance of a new life.

Church recalls Also about the negative effects of this type of measures. This is a disturbance in the work of the body, which entails irreversible changes in the form of side effects that such drugs can cause. These changes lead to a disturbance of nature. Attention is also drawn to the impact of certain agents, and even the impact of such actions themselves on the mental condition of a person. Some agents significantly affect the female hormonal system, which entails changes in the nervous system.

The use of means that even conflict with our human nature can lead to bad things and irreversible changes. From the Church's point of view, such a denial of naturalism is unacceptable. Both contraception and in vitro deny any marital procedure, and by using them man puts himself in the role of deciding about the production of man.

However, it should be remembered that in the case of conception in vitro Church does not condemn childrenthat were born that way. It is necessary to separate these two concepts and realize that Church condemns the very method of reproduction through artificial insemination but does not reject children conceived in this way.

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