Resurrection Lazarus is one of the many miracles performed by Jesus. Where Jesus resurrected Jesus? Jesus was resurrected Lazarus during a visit to Bethany, w Judea. Nowadays this town is called Al-Ajzarijja and is located in Palestine, w West Bank. The miracle of resurrection Lazarus by Jesus is described in the 11th chapter of Scripture, in Gospel written according to the Holy Jan. John the Evangelist places the performance of the miracle on the other side The Mount of Oliveslooking at it from the perspective Jerusalemwhere Jesus was going to celebrate the Passover.

What it looked like to perform the miracle of resurrection Lazarus by Jesus? Lazarus z Bethany was a friend of Jesus who died as a result of complications from an illness. Jesus, when he learned of this distressing news, decided to set out to Jerusalemto the place where it was deposited Lazarus to the grave. He was greeted on the spot Martaand then her sister Maria called her. Marta and Mary were sisters of the deceased Lazarusboth sisters are venerated in Church to the Catholic Church as sacred. When Jesus reached the dead man, the body Lazarus had been lying for four days in a cavern, the entrance to which had been sealed by a block of rock.

Jesus was led at his request to the tomb. When he saw it he ordered the stone to be rolled away and called the dead man Lazarus by name. When he had done so, the deceased came out of the grave, wrapped up, with his face covered. Jesus on the sight of him made others untie him and let him walk.