Where jesus taught in the synagogue

Where Jesus he taught in synagogue? Science Jesus are a very important stage in his public, spiritual activity. His return to Nazareth, where he rides in on a donkey, caused a great stir among the local people. Jesus had been absent for over a year, and he was returning to Nazareth as a man doing great deeds. No wonder, then, that they expected upon his return miracles also here in Nazareth.

This is where Jesus taught in the synagogue

Hopes for the next miracles grow with the next activity Christ. Jesus begins to visit the local synagoguewhere people gather to pray together and read the books of Moses. Excerpts from the books of various prophets are also read. Jesus joins the local people, beginning the reading of the book of Isaiah. He also tells the congregation that this is the day that the prophecy in the scriptures about the Anointed One who was anointed with the spirit of Jehovah'sand is to announce liberation to the captives and recovery of sight to the blind.

Where Jesus taught

It is also to announce the coming of a time of favor Jehovah's. Words these cause a stir in the people, who are all the more anxious to miracles and the help of Jesus. Christ tells another story about the prophet who cleansed only Naaman from his sickness, despite the presence of many trendies Israelis In the city. An angry mob leads Jesus out of the Synagogue, leading him to the side of a cliff from which they intend to push him down. Jesus, after liberating himself from their hands, departs for the town of Capernaum.