Why do some people accept Christand they reject Church? This is a subject for quite a serious discussion. More and more often one hears the term "believer, not practicing". It is used to describe a person who identifies himself faith w Godbut it kind of throws off Church by not participating in the life of this communities. There is also a great deal of talk about young people completely rejecting God. However, looking at various studies, faith Catholic are not bad in this respect. They show that a large proportion of young people identify themselves as believers.

It is worse if we look at the research on people actively involved in church life. People closely associated with the church community consider the rejection of Church as being completely wrong and alarming that this phenomenon is extremely dangerous for our faith. Such rejection prevents the full exploration of faith, cognition of all its aspects and denies the very essence god's word. It was the Lord Himself who created the ecclesiastical hierarchy by appointing the first apostles as mediators between Him and the faithful. All priests today are heirs to the first twelve apostles and are to guide us along the path to the eternal salvations. So what does this disorder stem from? Why do some people accept Christ and they reject Church?

This is probably due to a poor understanding of religiosity, Church as well as the very fact of being a believer. Being a believer we cannot be guided by individualism. The practice of religion should not be treated as an individual, private affair. We are meant to be a community.

Another reason may be that some people find it hard to follow the teachings and commandments Church. Faith Christianity presents us with certain challenges and leads to certain sacrifices. However, it is important to remember that the end justifies the means, but also that it is not by chance God He gave us free will.