Content of the Prayer of Immersion in Blood Christ

Presentation of the Precious Blood of Christ

Eternal Father,
via Immaculate Heart of Mary
I offer you my dearest Blood Jesus Christ
- to atone for the sins of the whole world,
- for the dying and for the dead in purgatory
- and for the renewal Church in the Holy Spirit.
Blessed Blood Jesus-- for ever blessed!

Litany of the Blood of Christ

Kyrie, eleison. - Christ, eleison. Kyrie, eleison.
Christ, hear us. - Christ, hear us.
Father from heaven, God-have mercy on us.
Son of the Redeemer of the world, God-have mercy on us.
Holy Spirit, God-have mercy on us.
Holy Trinity, the One God-have mercy on us.
Blood Christthe only begotten Son of the Eternal Father, deliver us.
Blood Christthe incarnate Word of God,
Blood Christof the new and everlasting covenant,
Blood ChristThe Holy Spirit, while dying in the Garden of Gethsemane, flowing down to the earth,
Blood Christ...spurting at the whipping,
Blood Christ...oozing from under a crown of thorns,
Blood Christshed on the cross,
Blood Christthe payment of our salvation,
Blood Christwithout which there is no forgiveness,
Blood Christwho in the Eucharist bathes and purifies souls,
Blood Christthe fountain of mercy,
Blood Christthat vanquishes evil spirits,
Blood Christ...the valor of the Martyrs,
Blood Christthe power of the Confessors,
Blood Christ, giving birth to virgins,
Blood Christ, the refuge of the endangered,
Blood Christ, coolly working,
Blood Christcomfort of the weeping,
Blood Christ...the hope of the repentant,
Blood Christ...the comfort of the dying,
Blood Christand the peace and sweetness of our hearts,
Blood Christthe pledge of eternal life,
Blood Christ...the deliverance of souls from the abyss of purgatory,
Blood Christ...all glory and honor most worthy,
Lamb of God, who takes away the sins of the world, - forgive us, Lord.
Lamb of God, who takes away the sins of the world, - hear us, Lord.
Lamb of God, who takes away the sins of the world, - have mercy on us.
P. You redeemed us, Lord, with your blood.
W. And you have made us the kingdom of our God.
Let us pray. Almighty Eternal GodWho hast made Thy only begotten Son to be the Redeemer of the world, and through His blood hast propitiated Thyself, grant us, we beseech Thee, to honor worthily the recompense of our salvation, and through it to be defended from temporal evil on earth, that we may rejoice in everlasting happiness in heaven. Through the same Christ, Mr. ours. Amen.

A crown of victory

The chaplet is recited on a regular part of the rosary. At the beginning:
Our Father. Hail Mary. I believe in God.
On large beads:
P. And they overcame because of the Blood Lamb - W. And through the word of his testimony. (Ap 12, 11)
On little beads:
P. Blood Christ...vanquishing evil spirits, W. Deliver us!

A chaplet of graces

to the holy, precious Blood Redemptions
for protection from misfortune,
for the renewal of the world
and for the souls suffering in purgatory

In the beginning:
1x: I believe in God...Our Father...
3x: Hail Mary... (o faith, hope and love)

Main part (5 tens):
10x: Be greeted, O Holy One,
precious blood Redemptions,
support us, renew this earth
and deliver the souls in purgatory!

1x: Praise and worship
Holy Trinity!
(after the fifth secret 3x)


Lord Jesus Christ, when you were returning to the Father forty days after your resurrection, you told your disciples, gathered together, to wait for the sending of Holy Spirit. For nine days they persevered in prayer to receive a gift beyond all gifts, to become true Apostles. Trusting that today you will also give us your gifts and blessings,,,please:
Enlighten our reason and purify heartthat we may know how to pray well. Like the Apostles, grant us the grace to remain in prayer with them. Mary. She is, after all, the Handmaid of the Lord and the "Almighty supplicant."
Lord, You have said: "Ask, and it will be given to you; seek, and you will find; knock, and it will be opened to you." Encouraged by your word, we come to you today to confidently present our requests.
(moment of silence)
Jesus, we trust in your love and your mercy, which you have shown to us through your dearest Blood. You were always patient with the poor and the sick, the despised and the sinners. How you wiped away the tears of the widow of Nain, how you listened to the centurion's request and rewarded the trust MartyGrant us also the joy of being helped by you.
But if our desires are not in accord with your will, strengthen our faith. With You we want to say: "Father, not my will but Thine be done." Instill in us the confidence that Your plans for us are best, though we may not always understand them.
We thank you now for all that for us you have prepared, for you are Love, and all that you give us or allow on us serves us for our sanctification. Amen.