How to make your own rosary? How to make a rosary out of pasta? How to make a rosary of mouliné? How to make a rosary from coffee beans? Is it possible and appropriate to make a rosary out of this type of object? This is quite an interesting question, because again we have to rely on common sense. There is no rule against making a rosary out of pasta or coffee beans.

There are also no rules about the materials from which each rosary should be made. There are no objections to making your own version of a rosary for your own needs. If you don't have the chaplet you need on hand, go ahead and make it yourself. It is primarily a tool to help us communicate with the Lord By God.

God does not he'll be offended at us for helping each other in creative ways. For him, any way to reach him is good. How to make a rosary out of pasta, mouliné or coffee beans? To begin with, in each of these cases let's choose the main core of our rosary, which can be a simple thread. It will be best to start by choosing the right kind of pasta to suit our task. Prepared pasta or coffee beans with previously made holes, we wind dozens of them on a thread. You can use in this case the earlier descriptions of this what the rosary looks like. The thread should be tied at the end with two ends, and preferably both ends should be tied on a cross, if you have one.