In a world full of stress, anxiety and overwhelming responsibilities, many of us are looking for ways to find peace or will and trust. One way may be through prayers, especially one with the graceful name "Jesus, You take care of it." It is an expression of the confidence of a group of believers in God's power to deal with difficulties that seem unattainable to us. I would like to invite you to read this article, which will help you gain a deeper understanding of this beautifully mundane prayer and show you how to apply its wisdom in your daily life.

Introduction - Jesus, You take care of it: an introduction to the topic of the article.

"Jesus, You take care of it" - these words for many people have become an independent symbol of alleviating fears and offering their problems to God. They allow us to be freed from the burden of fears and uncertainties through absolute trust in God's guidance. But what is behind this short phrase? What are its roots and meaning? Is it really an effective way of dealing with stress and adversity? Or perhaps it represents a valuable spiritual message that expands our understanding of faith and relationship with By God? Before we move on, let's take a brief look at the origins of the phrase.

History and meaning of the prayer "Jesus, You take care of it": presenting the history and meaning of this prayer in the context of the Christian faith.

The prayer "Jesus, you take care of it" is a short prayer phrase that is also a realization of the biblical principle of placing life in God's hands. The second part of this principle speaks of man's special participation with God in his plan of salvation. But where does this phrase come from? Is it a novelty or does it trace its roots back to deep Christian tradition?

In ancient times, the first Christians were called sympathizers of attention Jesus Christ. They were often brave and ready to face many challenges in their daily lives, just like people today. Common to them were problems, worries and uncertainties about the future - the same experiences and emotions that we may face now.

However, these people had something distinctive - trust in God as a Father concerned about their fate. The fruit of this trust was the "Our Father" prayer, which included the words "Thy will be done...". This is the result of understanding God as someone greater - it indicates that everything is in His hands.

"Jesus, You take care of it" is thus synonymous with those words of trust in God that ancient Christians expressed with their "Our Father" prayer. It is one of the phrases most often used for the first time by Father Dolindo Ruotolo, an Italian priest, Franciscan friar and exorcist.

However, the creator of this prayer was not Father Dolindo. His own take on the phrase "Jesus, you take care of it" was loudly promoted at the end of his life. In total, about a century or so ago.

The person is even considered a saint in the Catholic Church. As his own model of the figure of suffering and painful understanding of the value of the cross - as Pope John Paul II himself put it. This figure has become an inspiration for many people seeking to know the truth about God.

The conclusion can only be one: "Jesus, you take care of it" is a form of openness to God's action in our own lives. It is an expression of surrender to God's will and trust in His plan handed to us by the act of creating the world.

Father Dolindo a teacher of confidence


Father Dolindo Ruotolo is the very person associated with the formulation of the prayer "Jesus, You take care of it." Born in 1882 in Italy, he was a Catholic priest and author of many theological works. His life was undoubtedly filled with deep trust in God.

A famous prophet?

Often referred to as a man of miracles, Father Dolindo foresaw many significant events throughout his life, both of a minor global scale and of a personal nature. Some of these events were reflected in his literary works and letters to the people. Without a doubt, he was able to inspire others with his unwavering confidence in God's various plans.

Creator of the prayer "Jesus you take care of it."

Of course, he is best known as the creator of the popular prayer - "Jesus, you take care of it." This simple formula for solemnly handing things over to God has become for many a symbol of faith and relationship with Christ. It is thanks to his immense trust in God's love that this prayer has become a permanent part of the canon of Christian religious life.

Death and further legacy

Father Dolindo died in 1970, however, leaving behind a powerful legacy. Today's generation of the faithful is constantly benefiting from his teachings on trust, as well as drawing strength from his "Jesus, you take care of it" prayer. His influence is undeniable - as evidenced by the number of people praying his famous prayer every day.

How does the Prayer Jesus You take care of it sound?

Having established a dialogue with readers regarding the origins and meaning of the "Jesus, you take care of it" prayer, I now turn to presenting the integral content of this historic form of spiritual expression.

  1. The prayer begins with an initial trust: "O Jesus, I hand all this over to You, now You take care of it." This particular phrase is a key element of the prayer, emphasizing the absolute reliance on God's will.
  2. Then the words of deep devotion are spoken, moving toward total surrender of the initiative to God: "My God, I humbly ask you to help And I trust in all things in Your providence." This fact is a testament to the decision made by those who recite this prayer.
  3. The third part consists of a very simple exhortation: "I hand over all my affairs to You, and I am sure that You will take care of them." The existential significance of this passage can be seen directly - there is no room for sophisticated theology or philosophical digressions here.
  4. At the end we have a line affirming total submission to the will of Jesus: "Jesus, I trust in You." This is an expression of complete trust and at the same time submission to God's will.

As you can see, "Jesus you take care of it" is a simple but profound prayer. It was created for those who wish to leave their fate in the hands of Divine Providence.

What does it mean Jesus you take care of it?

Under the term "Jesus you take care of it" is a powerful Catholic prayer, an expression of trust in the action of divine providence. However, if we break down its meaning and symbolic significance, we find that it is far more elaborate.

Christian beliefs

From the point of view of Christian beliefs, this simple sentence contains a great truth about trusting in the say God. When we say, "Jesus You take care of it," we are admitting that we ourselves are unable to meet the task or overcome the difficulties. We are handing over control of the situation to God - placing our full trust in Him.

Your relationship with God

Moreover, this prayer also has reflections on your personal relationship with God. By saying "Jesus You take care of it," you humbly acknowledge your inability and dependence on His mercy. This is a manifestation of humility and proper self-esteem in the context of spiritual realities.

Capitulation before Providence

In practice, on the other hand, saying "Jesus you take care of it" means capitulating before Providence and opening and entrusting oneself to God's guidance. This is often combined with the understanding that not everything can be controlled, and that some things can and should be placed in God's hands.

"Jesus you take care of it" thus functions as a kind of confession of faith that gives people a sense of support and hope when, in fact, nothing else does. It shifts their focus from everyday concerns to a larger perspective and the invisible power working in the background of our lives: God's love for each person.

Who said "Jesus you take care of it"?

Let's try to answer one of the most common questions about this prayer: Who said "Jesus You take care of it"? The person who authored these words and is also credited with being the first to say them was Father Dolindo Ruotolo.

  1. Dolindo Ruotolo - Catholic priest and mystic from Naples

A native of Italy, a priest and theologian with an uncommon spirituality. He was born In 1882 in Naples. He dedicated his life to preaching the Gospel and helping the poor. He became close friends with Pope Pius X.

  1. A preacher of trust in God

Despite years of suffering due to various illnesses and personal problems, Father Dolindo never put his faith to the test of skepticism. He was known for his boundless trust in God's guidance, which was often expressed in the prayer just discussed - "Jesus you take care of it."

  1. The meaning of his words

The phrase "Jesus you take care of it" is a summary of the doctrine of devotion to God that Father Dolindo professed and preached. It shows how we can keep trusting my goodness in God's guidance despite adversity.

To understand this topic thoroughly, it is necessary to dig deeper, both into the biography of the Author of this prayer and into the content of these words themselves. And this is precisely the priority of my further reflections on the topic of "Jesus you take care of it".