"How to effectively stop rushing". is a book, of which author, John Mark Comer, approaches the topic of busyness and haste in today's world in a unique and practical way.

His main thesis is based on the fact that in order to regain peace and joy in life, we must learn to live in the rhythm of God's kingdom and reject the culture of haste in which we are lost.

Comer begins by analyzing the causes of haste and busyness, addressing various aspects of our lives, such as work, technology, relationships and our inner beliefs. He takes an insightful and lucid look at how these factors affect our well-being and quality of life, giving examples from his own experience and research.

Strengths of the book

One of the book's strengths is its suggestion of an alternative way of life, which Comer calls "rhythms of holiness." The author presents a variety of spiritual practices, such as meditation, prayer, Scripture reading and rest, that help us regain calmness, concentration and connection with the By God. He also stresses the importance of spending time in prayer and silence to be in God's presence and hear His guidance.

What sets this book apart from other time management and stress guides, is the author's fresh approach. Comer not only focuses on practical tools, but also on a deeper understanding of the causes and consequences of our busyness. He conveys to the reader that slowing down and giving up the rush is a process that requires habit and regular application of the practices described in the book.

Examples, biblical teachings, and a psychological view of the world

The book is very well written and easy to understand. Comer combines personal examples, biblical teaching and psychological insights into the subject to create engaging narratives that engage the reader from the first pages. His writing style is accessible and friendly, making it a pleasure to read.

The only potential downside of the book is that some of the topics covered may seem obvious to people who have already begun to reflect on the importance of peace and balance in life. Nevertheless, even for those people, the book can serve as a valuable reminder and motivation to continue the pursuit of a peaceful and mindful life.


In conclusion, "How to effectively stop rushing" is an inspiring and practical book that helps understand the causes of the rush and offers valuable tips on how to regain peace and joy in life. John Mark Comer convinces us that a slow and conscious life is possible, if only we decide to change our habits and embrace the rhythm of God's kingdom. We recommend this book to all who wish to regain balance and harmony in their daily lives. The book How to effectively stop rushing purchased at Sharon.com