Thanks to the Concordat, it is now not necessary to get a civil wedding if one wishes to enter into the Church sacrament of marriage. However, if one intends to ...
What does it take to baptize a child?
Holy Baptism is one of the most important events in every Christian's life. This sacrament was initiated by John the Baptist (from whom ...
What helps us to achieve holiness?
Holiness should be the goal of every Christian. It does not have to be confirmed by elevation to the altars, but its attainment should be a ...
What does the name of God mean?
What does the name of God mean? Belief in one God is at the heart of Christianity. God is undoubtedly the most important, almighty and merciful being, ...
What does Christ elejson mean?
What does christ elejson mean? "Christ elsjon" is a phrase that should be familiar to every Catholic. We may hear it regularly during ...
What does it mean when you dream of blood?
What does it mean when you dream of blood? People have different approaches to dreams. Some regard them as meaningless imaginings that ...
What does Bethlehem mean?
What does Bethlehem mean? Bethlehem is one of the most important cities for Christians. The birthplace of the Messiah, Jesus Christ. Today, the city is part of the ...
What does baptism mean?
What does baptism mean? Baptism is the most important sacrament instituted by God. It is popularly called the sacrament of initiation. The word baptism comes from ...
What does Golgotha mean?
What does Golgotha mean? Golgotha is the famous hill near Jerusalem where Jesus Christ died on the cross. Golgotha from the language ...
What does the name Abraham mean?
What does the name Abraham mean? Abraham is a male first name most likely derived from the Akkadian language. Aba-am-ra-am from Akkadian translates to "love your father". ...