What Christ said To St. Brigid?
To begin with, let's explain who Saint Brigid was. St. Brigid of Sweden lived from 1303 to 1373, and was an educated, well-born aristocrat from a family of lawyers. Initially leading a normal life at the side of her husband, the mother of eight childrenShe was also a member of the Order, including St Catherine of Sweden. After the death of her husband in 1344, Brigid discovered within herself a great need for closeness with By God. She decides to become a nun, a pilgrim, a missionary.
To this day she is known as an excellent theologian, having received many visions concerning the salvation of Christians. She became famous for her courageous speeches to priests and popes, sparing no stern rebuke towards the entire clergy. Saint Brigid is also known today as the founder of the Brigidine Order. Her actions made an impression on the entire Christian world, so that the process of her canonization began as early as 1377. It ended with her being declared a saint in 1391 by Pope Boniface IX. Brigid's sanctity was also confirmed in 1415 at the Council of Constance.
In more recent times, however, Brigid, together with Catherine of Sienna and Edith Stein, was declared the patron saint of Europe in 1999, which only confirms her achievements. An excellent book has been written on the life and work of Brigid, describing the apparitions she experienced. It is a collective work entitled: What Christ said to St Brigid. Revelations.