Why is man the most perfect creature on earth? First of all, because God created Man in his own image and likeness. This means that there is no Earth other creature that resembles God to such an extent.

Man, compared to other beings, is distinguished by the fact that he has free will and his own reason. Man can choose between good and evil. He is aware of the consequences of the decisions he makes. He also has inalienable dignity and a sense of self-worth. It is important to remember that God gave the world he created to the care of man; the world is God's gift to humans.

Against the background of other beings, man is the only one who has a soul apart from a body. This means that he must satisfy not only his material needs but also his spiritual needs. Thus man can worship God best of all beings. Moreover, it is worth mentioning that man was created by God last. This means that man is the most perfect being that God took the most time to create.