What does the term "young Church"? Youth, the new generation, is the future in which we must look to hope for the development and sustainability of the Church community. Already more than twenty years ago, Pope John Paul II invited young people to participate in the so-called World Youth Day. These are held annually in many cities around the world. Church In this way, he encourages young people to participate in the life of the community and to ask questions and to continue to explore faith.

For who else but young people will shape the future? The future not only of the Church but also of the whole world.

What does the term young mean Church? It is the Church community's approach to development faith in the spirit of the young generation. It is a search for solutions to show young people the way to faith and to the Lord himself God. Church It completely opens itself to new generations. It tries to adapt to it in a certain way, keeping in mind, however, its position and all its values.

It is in the young that the future of the Church is seen, which extends a helping hand toward them and tries to help them take the right path, serving with all their experience. Young Church to Church in the future, it Churchwhich has a great strength in young people who follow their vocation and at the same time are always searching.