Infidelity is one of the most painful tests to which a marriage is exposed. Husband and wife are first and foremost people, and let us remember that people err, sometimes get carried away ecstasySometimes they escape in one way or another from the problems of everyday life.
The spouses, standing at the altar, swear to each other love, FAITHFULNESS and integrity and persistence in the relationship until death. When betrayal occurs, it also breaks oaths. What to do in this situation?
It must be remembered that, in spite of everything, we ourselves are obliged to observe oaths. Church requires us to stand by each other and fight for each other.
We swear an oath before Mrem By God. Therefore, in such a situation Church It is not possible to think about the breakdown of the marriage, but rather about trying to save the relationship. Church institutions in many countries organize special meetings for married couples in need, which encourage them to contact each other in similar situations. Son of God All his life he taught forgiveness. Forgiveness is the grace we allow to come upon us in moments of crisis.
What does the Church say about infidelity?
According to science church betrayal is a great sin. Betrayal is a test for our relationship and for all of our faith. Church teaches forgiveness, teaches mercies. Marriage as one of the sacraments is an act of covenant between the spouses, and its Creator is Himself God. God in this sacrament requires us to be inseparable and permanent.