Does a wedding witness have to have Confirmation? The role of a witness at a wedding should be very well and thoroughly prepared. Similarly as being As a witness at a Confirmation or even as a godparent, the role of a wedding witness is a very responsible one. It is also a great honor because a witness is a person who is supposed to represent and testify on Mr. The young one in front of God i Church.

Let's not forget that the wedding is one of the most important events in everyone's life, which is why the role of a witness is so crucial. After all, during the wedding we are the right hand Mr. The bride and groom, who are about to form a new family and swear their devotion at the altar.

Does a wedding witness have to have Confirmation? It turns out that in the case of a witness at a wedding, confirmation itself is not such an important issue. The matter of selection witness This is an individual matter and depends only on the Bride and Groom, who themselves must choose a person suitable for this role.

Actually, all we need to be a witness is an ID card and coming of age. This can be a believer or even a non-believer, although of course the role of witness in making their choice. Witnesses completing formalities in Church sign a special document confirming the legality of the marriage in front of God. So witness a wedding doesn't have to have Confirmation.