Yoga practice has been strongly promoted in recent years on TV and in the Internet - celebrities, personal trainers and sports gurus are the ambassadors of this activity. Like mushrooms after rain, places where yoga can be practiced are springing up, from special clubs to popular gyms. During the pandemic, this activity has moved to the Internet, including the popular YouTube service. For a Catholic there is another, rather non-obvious aspect that is important Yoga - Is it a sin? Why the need to think about it for this seemingly harmless sporting activity?

Is yoga forbidden by the Church?

When starting to consider yoga, one must take into account its unequivocal connection on the planes of physicality and spirituality. On the surface it is just a set of exercises, while everything in practice remains based on a spiritual foundation. And it is because of this second component that there are many concerns about practicing yoga.

When considering whether yoga is a sin from the point of view of the Church, it is necessary to go back to the institution of deep concern of the clergy for each member of the Christian community. Attendance at Mass, daily prayer and living in accordance with the Decalogue are absolute basics in the process of approaching God. Opening up to spiritual possibilities outside this zone can lead to huge problems, including inviting Satan to intrude more deeply into our mental space.

I'm just exercising. Yoga - Is that a sin?

The crowning argument among skeptics and staunch critics of the church position is the saying "after all, it's just exercise!" A statement is also often made about the possibility of separating the spiritual realm and excluding it when practicing yoga. Going further, some They claim that this activity can be combined with deep prayer in a Christian spirit, drawing closer to God. Nothing could be further from the truth - the best idea for a spiritual feast is to attend Mass along with receiving communion. The presence of "secret energies" permanently connected with the philosophy of yoga is definitely harmful for a Catholic who wants spiritual peace and development.

Is there a confession to be made about yoga?

Although in most typical lists of light and heavy sins there is not a word about yoga, the topic is definitely worth bringing up with the confessor. Keep in mind that during confession you can also talk about various concerns related to spirituality and conduct in daily life. Practicing yoga can cause excitement, and excelling at it for many people bears no signs of practicing anything wrong. Conversation in the confessional can be a great way here to better understand the danger and develop protective methods.

On the subject of whether yoga is a sin, supporters of this activity, outsiders and representatives of the Christian community have been arguing for years. In practice it is very difficult to say "yes", but one must take into account the many risks that are associated with it. Practicing yoga we do not sin but we strongly open ourselves to the way of sin. Whether it is worth going in this direction, everyone must decide in his/her conscience.