It is sometimes argued that non-alcoholic beer is also alcoholic. After all, it is beer and it may contain percentages, even if only to a small extent. Such an approach is a bit far-fetched but, under certain circumstances, it can be a positive lesson. Is non-alcoholic beer a sin? When should you refrain from drinking it?

Alcohol and the problems it can cause

It is worth starting from the fact that drinking alcohol itself is not forbidden either by church authorities or, in most countries, by the arrangements of the state administration. Ergo, its moderate consumption is not a reason for confession. The matter looks different in the case of regular acts, getting drunk, frequent loss of control - here the emergency light should turn on, indicating the need to stop drinking, or even to start treatment. Remember that alcoholism is a fatal disease.

However, non-alcoholic beer 0.0% is a drink like any other - juice, cola, orangeade. You can't get drunk with it, or even feel slightly raucous. This also applies to people under the age of eighteen, so wine or beer without alcohol can be sold to children and its consumption is permitted.

Motivation to drink and sin

It is very easy to recognize sin by looking deep into our own knowing. If we feel that we are doing something for certain reasons, not very good ones, then we are consciously deviating from the path of goodness. Is drinking non-alcoholic beer a sin in this view? No, but it can become that first reason, the basic piece of the puzzle leading to bad habits.

Giving your child non-alcoholic beer can be both a good "mom, how bad is that!" and an incentive for further curiosity. The scenario according to which "mom She gave me a beer, so having a normal one with friends can't be a bad thing" is quite real. A lot can be done here by talking, raising awareness and the whole process of education, which remains in the hands of parents and educators.

On the other hand, in the case of an adult who has had a problem with alcohol in the past, a beer without its addition may be both therapeutic and a reason to reach for a "real" beverage again. It all depends on one's psyche, and it is best to consider one's motivation and behaviour within the framework of one's conscience, among other things.

Is non-alcoholic beer a sin?

Ultimately, in resolving this issue for the purposes of the article, there is no basis for concluding that drinking non-alcoholic beverages - including beer and wine - can be viewed as either a light or a grave sin. At the same time, moderation and caution are again recommended, especially for children and those at risk of addiction.