One of the most important questions about the existence of the forces of evil is this how hell came to be. Was it created by the Lord God? Was it our Father who brought about so much harm and condemnation to so many souls? Of course this is nonsense, repeated as often as possible by ignorant people who are largely even Catholics.

Let's remember that one of the basic laws that the Lord has given to man is the one stipulating the free will of man and the absence of God's interference in all human affairs on Earth. So how did the hell? In the account of Father Gabriele Amoroth, who is the world's most famous and respected exorcist, who told about the exorcism performed by Father Candido, we can find a very simple and direct answer to this question. The demon that was in the body of the man said To Fr. Candido: "It's not Him, it's not God he created hell. No. We did. Mr. God didn't even think about it." O. Amoroth emphasizes that this is a great truth. The Lord God created only great and beautiful things. Hell was created by demons.

If a man dies in mortal sin, he follows Satan who drags him down to hell. Hell thus came into being without God's intervention. It came into being solely through free will and the space God created for the actions of his subjects. Father Amoroth also gives an account of exorcisms carried out by him personally, in which he asked the demons who created hell. These were to answer him that they were responsible for the creation of hell.