Is it possible that Jesus had anything to do with Islam? Who is Jesus to Muslims? Is Quran relates in any way about Jesus, does it talk about His life and teaching? Does it acknowledge His existence, death and resurrection?
Muslims do not doubt the existence of Jesusbut they see it very differently than Christians. Muhammad, a simple, illiterate merchant from Mecca, to whom Creator was to reveal Quranwhen he was 22 years old. Jesus appears in the Koran as Isa Ibn Mariam, Jesus the son Our Lady. He is presented to us as one of the most important prophets of Islam.
After pronouncing or writing down His name, it is the duty of every Muslim to add the phrase "Peace be upon Him," as an expression of utmost respect for those who have been especially singled out - chosen by the Creator Himself. Quran admits that the birth Jesus was accompanied by a series of supernatural events. An angel who heralds Mary birth SonHe assures her that the child will be conceived despite the involvement of a man.
Predicts St Mary's also that her Son would be a miracle worker, a healer and a teacher children Israel. However, there is no mention in the Quran that Jesus is The Son of GodOn the contrary, Jesus in the Koran even denies that he has a divine origin. In the Quran we can read references that talk about the Apostles, the disciples who decided to follow Jesus. It is also mentioned that the "infidels" wanted to kill him, plotting against him, but it did not come to fruition. In another sura Quran we can read about Jesus being taken to heaven.
Muslims believe that re arrival to the earth of Jesus will mean Last Judgement. Quran also conveys descriptions of Jesus' life, the fact that he performed numerous miracles and healings and excerpts from His lessons.