Why is acupuncture a sin? To understand this question, we need to go back to its roots. Acupuncture originated in the Far East. It is directly related to Chinese Taoism, which contradicts the teaching of the Catholic Church. It is based on the principles of living in simplicity, harmony and in harmony with nature.

Acupuncture is a method involving the stimulation of acupoints using needles. In the so-called progressive media, it's not hard to hear about the many benefits of acupuncture. Experts mention that it strengthens the immune system, repairs tissues and stimulates the circulatory system and relieves pain. Less often they say that acupuncture is still not officially recognized as one of the branches of conventional medicine.

Church Catholic opposes the use of acupuncture treatment by its faithful. The main argument cited by Catholic clergy is the danger to the soul associated with the practice. Acupuncture is often preceded by Taoist rituals. In addition, there are scientific studies proving that the "miraculous effects" observed by acupuncture practitioners are actually a placebo effect. This proves that the effectiveness of acupuncture is directly related to faith, not science.

It's not that the Church is once again trying to fight science and impede progress. Many priests see a great chance in the development of neurosurgery. Because there is nothing wrong in pricking nerves. The problem arises, however, when a medical procedure takes the form of a Taoist ritual. This is precisely the case with acupuncture.