Holy Saturday in the Roman Catholic Church is the last day of Holy Week, preceding the Resurrection Christ. It is a time of silence and reflection. Holy Saturday is one of the few days in the liturgical year when Mass is not celebrated.

However, many Catholics ask themselves the question: is it obligatory on Holy Saturday post? The answer is complex. There are only two days in the liturgical year when the faithful are obliged to fast (Ash Wednesday and Good Friday). Opinions are divided concerning Great Saturday. Currently priests encourage the faithful to abstain from eating meat until Easter Sunday. We know from sources, however, that in the past on Holy Saturday there was a full fast, that is, a complete abstinence from drinking and eating food.

Today, the Church's approach to respecting fasting during Holy Saturday is much more liberal. However, this does not mean that we can indulge in debauchery. The Easter Vigil is the most important part of the Paschal Triduum. So we should experience this time in reflection, prayer and reverie. With feasting and celebrating, we should wait until Resurrection Sunday.