Why is Mary the model of the Advent vigil? The answer to this question can be found in a passage from the Gospel of Luke. In Luke, chapter 1, verses 26 to 38, he describes the Annunciation and the event where Mary learns of her special role from the angel Gabriel, who was sent by God.
Mary listened attentively to the role he had intended for her God Then, without the slightest hesitation, she put her trust in him by giving her life fully to him. Mary begins the period of waiting for the coming of her Son, at the same time as she begins her role.
What is the Advent Vigil? It is the period from First Vespers of the fourth Sunday before Christmas until nightfall of December 24. It signifies the period of waiting for re coming to Earth Jesus Christwhich also commemorates His first coming to earth, the birth of Christ. So Mary is here a special model to follow, because it was she who first obediently accepted her role and showed us all how to prepare for the coming of our Lord. It was she who gave herself completely to this role, putting God first, which is what every Christian should do, especially during the Advent vigil. In this special season, may each of us place ourselves under the protection of Our Lady and entrust our lives fully to her.