Bioresonance is a diagnostic and treatment technique in alternative medicine. It assumes that every cell, bacteria or parasite in the human body produces a specific frequency of electromagnetic waves.

With the help of bioresonance apparatuses, waves in the body that are pathological can be detected and canceled out by putting them into the right vibration. At the same time, physiological waves that are positive can also be amplified.

Church's attitude towards bioresonance

A morally questionable element, is the use of energy throughout the field of bio-energotherapy. Energotherapists do not know what energy they are using in their methods or what its origin is, making it a spiritual hazard.

Church, although there is no official position on the subject, strongly advises against the use of such alternative medicine methods. This is due to an article of the Catechism of the Catholic Church, which states that the practices of magic, sorcery and the extraction of unknown forces are in serious conflict with religion, even if their purpose is to ensure a person's health. Bioresonance, as such a method of obtaining unnatural forces, thus contradicts the virtue of religiosity.