Every sin committed carries certain consequences. The priest in the sacrament of penance and reconciliation can absolve us, but this will not eliminate the consequences of sins.

Most often, the priest orders the penitent to pray, although it can also be to repair the damage done or make an offering to a chosen cause. The penance imposed must be fulfilled no later than the time of the next confession.

Is failure to repent a sin?

When the imposed penance is not fulfilled and at the same time is not accompanied by ill will, then the confession still remains valid.

A sincere confession of sins, a willingness to break with sin, and absolution by the priest always guarantees the validity of this sacrament. However, it is a good idea to recite the overdue penance yet Before the next confession. In case you have forgotten what was part of it, you can choose any prayer and say it for the remission of sins.

However, if you have not in any way repented the previous confession - you should then inform the priest at the next sacrament. He will decide whether the overdue penance should be fulfilled or whether you are exempt from it.