What does it meanthat Church It's Catholic? Church Catholic otherwise Church Common. Word Catholic comes from the Greek word katholikos, which we translate as - universal. Church Catholic is the world's largest denominational communitywhich brings together followers faith w God w Trinity the one and only. He preaches the principles commonly called Catholicism. In addition to Church of the Orthodox Church and Church Protestant, it is a mainstream denomination in the world.

Universality Church The Catholic Church is distinguished by the fact that it is governed by uniform and clear principles applicable to every Christian throughout the world. It also means universal access to the goods it has in its holdings - for every person. By definition, universality is something that applies to all things, persons and affairs, and something that is common, known and applied everywhere. This is also the case with Church. Church both in denominational terms, theological The Church, both official and non-official, is the same and uniform throughout the world. It is guided by clear, orderly rules, gathering its believers around the essence of faith in Mr. God. Church all the time strives to make it as accessible as possible to the faithful. Church Teachings are held in every corner of the world so that the concept spreads everywhere.

So the fact that Church is Catholic means that under his one true form, he is available everywhere, and everywhere he proclaims the truth of his Lord professed by millions of believers.