Church Ceremonies are extremely important events that take place annually in every parish. Weddings, communions and feasts are particularly important ...
Who makes up the Church (Catholic or universal)?
Catholic Church. The word Catholic is derived from the Greek word katholicos which means "universal". As we know from previous parts of this article, the Church ...
Who founded the Catholic Church and when?
The Church was founded by Jesus Christ. In the New Testament, the founding of the Church was foretold by Jesus Christ of Nazareth, who in words to ...
Where is the nearest church?
Where is the nearest church? Often when we move to a new location we may face some difficulties in getting to know the ...
Why do some people accept Christ but reject the Church?
Why do some people accept Christ but reject the Church? This is a topic for some pretty serious discussion. It is increasingly common to hear the term "believer, ...
Why the Church opposes contraception and invitro
A word of introduction. What is contraception and what is invitro? We will call contraception certain methods that are designed to prevent pregnancy. ...
Why does the Church venerate Mary? Marian Worship
Mary is one of the most important figures in the entire Catholic Church. She is a figure mentioned in almost every Eucharistic prayer. But why does the Church ...
Does the State finance the Church? How does it support itself?
Does the State finance the Church? What does the Church actually do for a living? Where does the Church get its money from? The topic of finances in the Church vs. ...
Is Medjugorie recognized by the Church?
Is Medjugorie recognized by the Church? What is the position of the Church regarding the apparitions of Medjugorie? Medjugorie is a village located on the ...
Is the Pentecostal Church a sect?
The Pentecostal Church is a free Protestant church of the evangelical Pentecostal trend. As a community, it represents the second largest ...