Who was Sister Faustina? Actually Maria Faustyna Kowalska was a nun from Congregations Sisters Our Lady Mercy. W Catholic Church she is considered a saint. She is known above all as a preacher of the cult of Of The Divine Mercy. Sister is the author of the so-called Diary, in which she described all her spiritual and mystical experiences connected with the apparitions.
Sister Faustina was born in 1905 in the village of Glogowiec. She experienced her first vision in 1924, during a dance party in the "Venice" park in Lodz. She saw the tormented Jesus, who instructed her to enter the order. Maria, after many unsuccessful attempts, finally entered the house Congregations Sisters Our Lady She was a member of the Mercy Society in Warsaw, where in 1926 she received name Faustina.
Sister was experiencing revelationsuntil his death in 1938. W revelations The Lord gave Sister a series of commands and dictated her prayers. Sister wrote about all mystical events in her Diary. The first prayer is the Chaplet of Divine Mercy. The Lord attached to it a promise that for every prayer said for some sinner, the Lord would give him grace conversions. In one of his subsequent conversions Lord Jesus promised, that anyone who recites this prayer will receive great mercies At the hour of death. Priests, in turn, were to administer this prayer to the dying as a last A plank of life for sinners.
The Lord also commanded Faustina to pray at three o'clock in order to save sinners, for it is the hour of great mercies.
When Jesus commissioned Faustina to paint His picture, He expressed His wish that the second Sunday after the Resurrection was the Feast Of The Divine Mercy. Further promises of the Lord are connected with this feast. On that day He pours out a whole sea of graces upon the souls who approach Him. He also confirmed the possibility of obtaining a plenary indulgence on that day.
Jesus also complained in his revelations. He complained of souls perishing despite his bitter torment for our salvations. So he commanded the spreading of his mercy and asks for the saving of men's souls.
Revelations They lasted until 1938. Those willing to read the full contents of the mystical meetings to find out what Jesus said Faustina, we refer you to Diary sisters St. Faustyna Kowalska.