Which means name Christ? What does the word Christ itself mean?

Christ is the second part of the name Jesus. The whole name of the Son of God is Jesus Christ. It obviously comes from the Latin word Iesus, which in turn comes from the Greek form Iesus. However, the whole etymology of the word Jesus comes from the Hebrew Yahweh, which means salvation. In modern Hebrew, the version of the name Yeshua simply means Jesus Christ.

What does the word Christ mean?

The second part of Christ's name comes from the word Hristos and means anointed one, anointed one, and Messiah.

The word Christ is the second part of the name Jesus Christ. This member is not really a name but an honorific title, which is to indicate the great, honorable and momentous role he played Jesus of Nazareth. In the New Testament Christ became, as it were, the second name of Christ. But what it means Christ?

And what does the word Christ mean to Christians? Christ is a rock and a blessing to all believers. He is the bridge between us and By God. Christ himself is a divine figure who means salvation and goodness to mere mortals.