Where he was born Christ? Where on the map can we find today the place where over 2 thousand years ago this event took place? According to the New Testament account, Christ was born into a Jewish family as the son of the Virgin Mary. Location birth according to the Holy Gospels is Bethlehem (according to Matthew and Luke), located near Jerusalem. Some scholars claim that the place where Christ was born was most likely Nazareth.
According to the Gospel of Luke Joseph along with Mary went Bethlehem for a census ordered by the Roman Emperor Octavian Augustus, and when they got there Christ was born. Additionally, Gospel Matthew claims that His birth was accompanied by the arrival of three wise men from the east who, guided by a star, had just arrived in Bethlehem to offer Christ gifts and pay their respects.
Bethlehem is a city located in the Palestinian Authority, Bethlehem Governorate. It is now a very important center of Palestinian administrative authority and one of the country's cultural centers. Bethlehem itself is located in the western part of Judea, which is the mountainous geography of Palestine. It lies at an altitude of 775 meters above sea level and is about 10 kilometers from Jerusalem itself. It is 59 km from the Mediterranean coast. The place where Christ was born is now an important religious center and place of pilgrimage. There are numerous Churches and Basilicas there, among others. Basilica Nativity or Church St. Catherine of Alexandria.