Do God Is he angry with us? As a result of our innate characteristics, many times we have moments of doubt or uncertainty. Sometimes we even have greater or lesser reasons for it. Many times the world puts us to the test. Baeven you yourself God constantly puts us to the test. However, it is always important to remember how much God appreciates our efforts, appreciates our perseverance. We need only think of the biblical story of Abraham's willingness to sacrifice his son for God.

However, there are situations in which we wonder whether it all makes sense. The death of a loved one, for example, often makes us ask questions. Is it our fault?

Has God been angry with us? Or have we done something wrong?

Well, obviously there is such a thing as a divine wrath. Mr. God may be angry with us. But this is a very different wrath than the human one. It cannot be looked upon in the same way as the wrath another person. God's wrath kind of "fits" with himself.

Whether in situations where we are at fault, God can he also be angry with us? Should we be God to be afraid then?

It fits in God mercy and patience. There is only one cause that induces a state of anger in God. It is a sin. God is firm and demands adherence to the decalogue he has issued. Only in the case of its violation, God shows us his wrath. In order to remove this state from ourselves we need to remember first of all to show Mr. repentance. It alone can save us from God's wrath.