Receiving Holy Communion in the hand is a relatively new thing, at least on a mass scale. However, there has been quite a bit of controversy surrounding this custom over the years. Some claim that the Host can be received only on the tongue, without profaning it. Others mention hygienic reasons. Both groups were judged by the reality of the COVID-19 epidemic, where Communion by hand is just a better idea - out of concern for the health of everyone around you.

It has become customary to say that the one who receives Holy Communion worthily is the one who receives it on the tongue. Any other option raises a large field for profanation, although it is often overlooked that the spitting out of the Host is also a huge profanation. Unfortunately, such situations occur, for example, in children. In the context of such activities, there is a need to educate and watch over unruly youth so that all the rites associated with this sacrament are done with due reverence. The manner does not matter - receiving Communion in the hand is as good as on the tongue.

John Paul II - Communion on the hand

Some time ago there were many doubts about the opinion of one of the greatest Catholic authorities of our time, Pope John Paul II. According to some sources, he was to give a homily in the 1980s condemning such a custom, but this rumour was very quickly verified by vigilant clergy. The papal pontificate at many points clearly confirms that the reception of communion both on the tongue and in the hand was supported by Wojtyla's full, personal approval.

Holy Communion on the hand - how to ask?

It is worth noting that each parish has a slightly different system related to the administration of communion. In times of pandemics, a dual solution has often been developed whereby all who wish can receive the Body in the traditional manner (and, as it were, on their own responsibility) Christ to the mouth in a specific location. In the other position, such as near the side aisles, Communion is given in the hand. So you need to orient yourself in the local customs.

Another situation is when the default is to pass the Host on the tongue, while there is no problem when someone approaches with an outstretched hand - then the priest should pass it to the hand. Unfortunately, this is not yet constant practice, fortunately this is changing under the influence of current decisions of Bishops and Episcopate.

Do is communion on the hand bad?

The one who receives Holy Communion with dignity is the one who does it with full faith, after confession, and does not make any movements that may be considered profane by others. As always, what counts in this situation is individual modesty, prayer and understanding the seriousness of the moment. Method, in what way The host will be handed over by the clergyman, it makes no difference here. It is just as beautiful to pass the wafer directly on the tongue as it is to pass it on the hand - there are no better or worse solutions. However, in the face of a pandemic, it is definitely better to choose the latter, more "innovative" way. All of this, of course, out of concern for the health not only of ourselves but also of our neighbors with whom we may have contact.