Do Christ did he exist? Did Christ really live? This is a question that not only Christians should answer in the affirmative without any hesitation. Christ did exist, and this is a fact confirmed not only by the Word of God, but also confirmed repeatedly by historians who have seen many similarities between what the Scriptures write and what the historical accounts show us.

Life Christ is documented very richly, both through biblical and non-Christian accounts. The non-Christian sources are largely from historians who lived in the first century AD, a time when Christ was also alive. These include Tacitus and Joseph Flavius. The most widely accepted facts among historians of Christ's life are his baptism by John the Baptist and death by crucifixion at the judgment of Pontius Pilate.

According to biblical accounts, Christ is believed to have come from Galilee, and his area of operations included Judea. Most scholars also agree and can provide evidence for the authenticity of events such as the arrest in Jerusalem and crucifixion by the Romans. They also indicate the period of Christ's life falls during the reign of Herod the Great.

No less, despite the many coincidences and the undeniability of the fact that Christ really existed, there are many disputed issues that include different dates or locations of many events.

So there is not the slightest doubt as to whether Christ really lived.