Who was Jesus? Jesus Christ is the central figure of the Christian religion. Furthermore, in most religions Jesus He is considered to be God. More precisely, he is one of the 3 divine figures (God Father, Son of God and Holy Spirit). Jesus Christ born ca. 4th century B.C. in Bethlehem, and died by crucifixion at the age of about 33 years (about the 30th century AD) in Jerusalem.

Jesus was the Son Maria from an immaculate conception. His father, or rather guardian, was Joseph. Of your entire life Jesus We know little about his adolescence, for he began his work at the age of 30. It was then that he taught, gathered disciples around him, and performed miracles. He gave people teachings in the form of commandments, the most important of which was commandment love and mercy for our neighbors. As mentioned in previous sections of this article, Jesus is by all means a historical figure, and there are a great many facts to prove it.

His activities have been widely described in New Testament. He said of Himself that He was the Son of God. This caused opposition among the Pharisees and Sadducees. The Pharisees and Sadducees were Jewish religious brotherhoods that were in opposition to each other. The Pharisees were mainly of a secular bias, unlike the priestly aristocracy of the Sadducees, but they tried to observe the temple rules of purity in their conduct.The Pharisees were experts in the interpretation of the Scriptures. The Pharisees today are sometimes referred to as "Scribes."

Location the birth of the Lord Jesusaccording to researchers, differs from the biblical description. It was probably Nazareth. Gospel Matthew also talks about the birth-related Jesus The fact of the arrival of 3 wise men from the east (3 kings). You will find this event and its probable interpretation in the previous parts of the article. About the childhood Jesus are the so-called apocrypha, or Gospels Childhood.

The comprehensive and most popular ones are Protoevangelion James and Gospel Childhood Thomas. According to Thomas, Jesus was capable of performing miracles from early childhood, using them mainly for his own purposes. The Apocrypha are not accepted by Christians as inspired books. However, they have had a significant impact on Christian culture.

Jesus he grew up in what's called the Aramaic region. This was probably the language he spoke. It is possible that he also knew Greek. He probably received a basic education, typical for the poorer part of the population.

Start of operations Jesus Gospels are determined by the turn of 27/28 AD when the Jesus he was 30 years old. He took baptism by hand Jan Baptist, which is disputed by some (the fact of the occurrence of such an event). After this event, he began to gather people around him and chose "the twelve," of whom the following took precedence Piotr Apostle. Teaching Jesus has always been a crowd pleaser.

Teaching Jesus was based on Old Testament. His central theme was Kingdom of Godunderstood as the realm of God's dominion. The main themes of the teachings Christ Among other things, they said that the most important commandment is commandment to loveThere is a need for self-sacrifice, there is a need to be humble, and there is a need to be merciful to our neighbor.

A week before Passover, he went to Jerusalem. where, after a ceremonial entry, he refused to allow the pilgrims to acclaim him king. He undertook a confrontation in the temple with the main religious factions Israel: the Pharisees and the Sadducees.

The day before his kidnapping, he prepared with his students The Last Supperon which he foretold his fate and bade farewell to the apostles. He also established sacrament Eucharist under the form of bread and wine. Then, betrayed by one of his disciples, Judas, Jesus was captured and brought before the Jewish court. He was handed over to Pontius Pilate who, finding no evidence of His guilt, yielded to the pressure of the crowd and the priests who demanded His death Jesus. The death penalty by crucifixion was issued.