Have you ever heard of St. Charbel? He is one of the most important saints in the Maronite Catholic Church, who is considered a miracle worker and the patron saint of those who seek healing. In this article, I'd like to introduce you to the novena to this amazing saint in detail - from the history of his life, to the meaning of the prayer itself, to how to pray it. Reading this text, you will also learn what graces can be obtained through the intercession of St. Charbel, and we will learn together the various prayers that are often used during the novena.

Who was St. Charbel?

Saint Charbel Makhlouf is a Lebanese monk and presbyter of the Maronite Catholic Church, born on May 8, 1828 and died on December 24, 1898. His name At his baptism was Youssef Antoun Makhlouf. He was canonized by Pope Paul VI in 1977.

He spent his childhood in the small mountain village of Beka-Kafra, where, even as a child, he showed deep piety and a passion for the eremitic life.

At the age of 23, despite his family's opposition, he entered the Maronite monastery of Our Lady in Majfouk. After a few years, he moved to St. Maron's monastery in Annaya, where he took the name Charbel in honor of an ancient Christian martyr from the 2nd century.

He became famous for his deep spirit of prayer, asceticism and priestly service. He was known for his strict asceticism, total devotion to God and manual labor.

Saint Charbel died on December 24, 1898 after suffering his first heart stroke while celebrating Mass.

The cult of St. Charbel is strong not only in Lebanon, but also around the world thanks to the many healings attributed to his intercession.

History and significance of the novena to St. Charbel

The Novena to St. Charbel is especially important for any person longing for spiritual depth. This nine-day prayer, focused on the intercession of the holy eremite from Lebanon, is designed to bring us closer to a life of inner harmony and create space to discover and experience God's presence.

Why pray the novena?

Reciting a novena makes great sense for both spiritual and historical reasons. Paragraph 1: A novena is a dialogue with God, expressed through an intermediary - a holy intercessor. It belongs to church tradition and is a form of religious practice that has been used for many generations. Paragraph 2: In the case of the novena to St. Charbel, different aspects of his life and teachings are considered over the course of nine days. Each day, then, is an opportunity to reflect on a different aspect of this figure - from his love of solitude to his determination to find a personal vocation.

What graces can be obtained through the intercession of St. Charbel?

The worldwide cult of St. Charbel enjoys a constant stream of testimonies of graces obtained through his intercession. These include both healing of physical and spiritual suffering. Paragraph 1: There are known cases of people experiencing extraordinary moments of relief after asking for the Saint's intercession; from being freed from the pain of a chronic illness, to being healed of addictions or finding peace of mind in moments of crisis. Paragraph 2: It is worth noting, however, that prayer is not a "magic spell." The essence is to truly open the heart to the workings of God's grace and faithfully ()tap out the struggles of our lives to St. Charbel. A hint for those desiring such deep contact is given by St. Charbel himself in one of his prayers: "The most important thing is to love God above all else."

Litany of St. Charbel

Litany is a special form of veneration of saints, and in the case of St. Charbel, it has a strong meaning for people who wish to feel his intercession.


It begins with an appeal to God and Christ for mercy. It is important here to emphasize our powerlessness and dependence on God's grace. Understanding this truth is the foundation of effective prayer.

  1. Kyrie eleison,
  2. Christ eleison,

Then, the name of Saint Charbel is invoked:

  1. Saint Charbel, ask for us,

Description of the valor of St. Charbel

This section recalls the greatness of St. Charbel's life by naming in detail his virtues, which are a form of revelation of God's presence in him.

  1. Mother Mary's Chosen One,
  2. Treasure of God's Graces,
  3. Miracle worker of the Middle East,
  4. The power of suffering and temptation,
  5. Helper of the sick and the poor,

The end of the litany

It is traditional to end the litany with an invocatio - a chaplet invoking all the saints for their intercession followed by a prayer to Jesus.

  1. All saints of God, ask for us.
  2. O Jesus, merciful Savior, hear us,

The recitation of the Litany of St. Charbel is a moment to focus on the person of this great saint, to explore his valor, and to experience closeness with him and through him - with God. This form of prayer also helps us better understand the peculiarities of Marivite spirituality, of which he was a son until his death.

Prayers in the novena to St. Charbel

In practicing the novena to St. Charbel, regularity and devotion are important, but what prayers we choose to recite are equally important. Each of them contains special requests or expressions of praise addressed to the Saint.

The prayer "Holy Father Charbel..."

"Holy Father Charbel, you imbued with deep faith and unchanging devotion to God and the Church. I implore your intercession so that I may imitate your peace-finding spirit of contemplative life." This prayer shows understanding and respect for the level of devotion and faith that characterized St. Charbel's life.

The prayer "O great miracle worker..."

This is another popular prayer recited during the novena to this saint: "O great miracle worker, Saint Charbel! Through venerable poverty and humility, urging you toward the contemplation of divine mysteries - I beg your blessing." Simple, but full of gratitude for the example given to us by the Saint.

Prayer from the picture of St. Charbel

It is found on pictures depicting the Saint, often distributed as devotional items. It contains a request for intervention from St. Charbel in the face of difficulties and the sufferings of daily life.

Prayer for the granting of grace through the intercession of St. Charbel

"Just now, when I am most in need of your miraculous intercession... I ask you, Father Charbel." This prayer expresses confidence and faith in support through the Saint's intercession.

"Father Charbel" prayer

"Father Charbel, surround us with your protection and guide us on the path to salvation." This is the content of an extremely effective simple prayer referring to the pastoral mission Father Charbel performed.

The "Father of Truth" prayer. St. Charbel's last prayer before his death

Considered a gift from the deceased to those he was leaving behind - this particularly powerful prayer, reportedly the same as the last one St. Charbel said before his passing: "Father of Truth, my joy strengthened by Thee... Be praised Thy Love!"

Indulgence of Our Lady of Consolation

Speaking of St. Charbel, the Indulgence of Our Lady of Consolation cannot be overlooked. This important Catholic ritual ties in beautifully with the cult of this saint and gives us a broader context for the meaning of his figure.

The indulgence of Our Lady of Consolation is celebrated in church tradition at the monastery of Saint Maron in Annaya - the place where Saint Charbel spent his life. This devotion is a time of special graces, and for many of the faithful it is a moment of intense experience of the presence of God and his protective mother Mary.

The meaning of the holiday

The indulgence of Our Lady of Consolation is a period of special prayer and recollection, during which we can commend our requests to the Lord and express gratitude for past graces. This day marks a special devotion that manifests the strong bond between Mary and her son Charbel.

Until the second half of the 17th century, indulgences were mainly associated with penance for numerous sins and redemption from sinful guilt. But the Indulgences of Our Lady of Consolation also have another side - they celebrate Mary's love and compassion as the Mother of God, who not only rebukes the sins of the world, but also comforts her children in suffering.

Charbel and His Love for Mary

Making the indulgence of Our Lady of Consolation makes profound sense for the cult of St. Charbel. This Maronite monk was a well-known devotee of Mary, to whom he dedicated his life, spending it in deep contemplation shrouded in the mysteries of the faith.

He expressed his declaration of love for Mary through daily devotions and a series of prayers addressed directly to her. It is known that he often attributed his mystical experiences and apparitions precisely to her intervention. In this context, the indulgence of Our Lady of Consolation is a natural complement to the pilgrimage in memory of Saint Charbel and his aspirations.

When you are wondering how to pray the novena to St. Charbel, you must accept the fact that it is not a difficult task. The most important part of the whole process is concentration and taking time to contemplate each prayer.

Determine the purpose of the novena

At the very beginning, we define the intentions of our novena. This suggests acknowledging the need or request we plan to present to St. Charbel. This could include requests for physical or mental health, peace of mind or at least help In personal difficulties.

Find a quiet place

The next step is to choose a suitable place for prayer - a quiet and uncluttered space that is conducive to concentration and reflection. Importantly, the room should be free of both physical and thought-mixing stimuli.

Determine the time of day

Praying the novena requires regularity, so it's a good idea to schedule your prayer at a fixed time each day for nine days. In the morning or in the evening? The choice is yours.

In practice

For the next 9 days we go with a simple scheme: introduction -> consideration of the specifical for the day -> prayer to St. Charbel -> conclusion. Remember that the novena is a time of intense prayer and reflection, not a learned recitation of words.

In general terms, the practice of praying the novena to St. Charbel should be as follows:

  1. Start with the "Father of Truth" prayer. This is St. Charbel's last prayer before his death.
  2. Then go to the day's specific prayer (from 1 to 9).
  3. Finally, recite the Litany of St. Charbel.

Remember that the whole process is not about mechanically reciting prayer texts, but about authentically experiencing spiritual connection with St. Charbel and God through meditation and contemplation.

By praying a novena each day, we can ask for the intercession of St. Charbel - one of the great miracle-working saints of the Catholic Church in Lebanon - in response to our intentions.

Day 1 - Novena to St. Charbel

As we begin the novena to St. Charbel, let's keep in mind the motivational message of the first day. It focalizes on reflecting on our lives and placing ourselves at the center of God's plan.

Delving into prayer today

During your first deep moments, Focus on finding the Quiet Place. This place should be a sanctuary for you, where you can focus solely on your dialogue with the Most High. Remember that you are in front of God and St. Charbel, and they are listening to every word of your prayer.

As you dwell in this sacrum, surrender to the grace of attention and receptivity. These are important moments that prepare you to enter a state of contemplation of the divine for the next eight days of the novena.

A prayerful attitude of the heart

Looking back on your day today, can you identify moments when you were close to God? And when you moved away from Him? These simple questions are meant to help you explore your spiritual "here and now." It is this awareness that you should remind yourself of both before the beginning and end of today's part of the novena.

Prayer text for the first day

In today's prayer, we focus primarily on noticing our presence before God and St. Charbel. We raise our voice to the Father, Son and Holy Spirit, asking them to open our hearts and minds for the next days of the novena. We ask St. Charbel to intercede for us.

Now let's proceed to recite the various elements of the prayer:

  1. We profess faith - Our Father, Hail Mary, Glory to the Father.
  2. We pray invoking the name of St. Charbel: St. Charbel, who lived a life of quiet contemplation of God in the multitude of hours spent in solitude with the Eucharistic Jesus... (continued prayer)
  3. Concluding the prayer meeting is a thanksgiving to God for this time spent together and a request for blessings for the next day of novenna: "Our Father..."

Remember that any form of sincere conversation with the Supreme is valuable. Stay yet For a while in silence after prayer and if you wish share your thoughts or reflections with God.

Day 2 - Novena to St. Charbel

Today, on the second day of our novena to St. Charbel, let's focus on forgiveness and healing relationships. Let's start with a pinch of peace and introspection.

The first step is to start praying with the Holy Cross, symbolizing the sufferingwhich St. Charbel experienced.

As we continue our meeting today with the haunted Maronite monk, let's move on to the recitation of the Liturgy of the Hours - the evening prayer speaks to us about the problems of daily life and reminds us of our need to forgive and forgive others.

Father Charbel, you ask me in your teachings for the ability to forgive. You know how hard it is sometimes to open my heart to this grace. I ask you to help me achieve this state of love and understanding for others.

Now let's get ready for the main part of the novena - a prayer directly addressed to St. Father Charbel:

  1. Turn your thoughts to the sky, where the omnipresent dwells God.
  2. Express your gratitude for all the blessings in your life, both big and small.
  3. Ask for God's blessing of health for yourself and your loved ones.
  4. Present your requests to St. Charbel, immersing yourself in prayer.
  5. In the end say: "After your holy intercession, Father Charbel, may God hear my prayer."

At the end of our dose of spiritual food for today, let's say praise to God for through the prayer "Glory to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Spirit." This is a simple act of gratitude for all that God has given us.

Dear Readers, Do not forget the importance of forgiveness - this is the path to healing of the soul. Have hope and trust - this is what I saw in St. Charbel when I first visited his shrine.

Remember one more thing - the answer may come immediately ... but it may as well require patience from us. Because each novena must be accompanied by an openness of heart to the graces of God facilitated by the intercession of the Acknowledged Patron which St. Charbel undoubtedly is.

Tomorrow we will meet again for the third day of the novena to St. Charbel. I encourage you to be calm and patient. My prayers go out to you all, I wish you the blessings of St. Charbel.

Day 3 - Novena to St. Charbel

When the third day of the novena to St. Charbel comes, we begin to consider the depth of his devotion to God. On this day, we will focus on the "Father of Truth" prayer, which the saint prayed.

In the context of the third day of the novena to St. Charbel, it is worth reminding ourselves of the need for focus and openness of heart.

"Father of Truth" prayer

My suggested prayer for this day is precisely "Father of Truth". This was the last prayer that St. Charbel said before his death.

"Father of Truth, Your truth is eternal and unchanging like Yourself. Just as we were created by You according to Your likeness, we want to be transformed into Jesus by grace. Help us to know You better, so that we can love and serve You with greater confidence."

It is important to remember that the key here is not only to repeat the words of the Saint, but also to try to translate their meaning into one's own life.

After reciting this special prayer, let's keep a moment of silence and concentration. Basing your spirit on the prayer allows you to deeply experience its content, as well as open your heart to the graces coming from God through the intercession of St. Charbel.

Let's end this day with the words from the Saint's last prayer "Father of Truth" and a request to give us the needed strength to continue the novena. Faith and determination in our prayerful journey often make us closer to God and full of greater understanding of His will.

Day 4 - Novena to St. Charbel

The fourth day of the novena to St. Charbel is a time when we should focus on silent meditation and reflection on our life's actions so far. The prayer we will learn today contains a significant message.

Let's start by reciting the prayer "Holy Father Charbel." It reads like this:

  1. Saint Father Charbel,
  2. Look kindly on my worries,
  3. Guide me through the difficulties of life,
  4. Intercede for me with God.

Another prayer of the day was an intention to St. Charbel asking for a miracle:

  1. Saint Charbel, give me faith and confidence while waiting for a miracle.
  2. I seek your care and intercession.
  3. Help me believe in the power of God's love.

The desire to persevere on the path of faith and strengthen the relationship with God is important when praying the fourth day of the novena to St. Charbel.

Now let's turn to the litany of St. Charbel, which has its place every day of the novena:

  1. About the Master of solitude and contemplation,
  2. Intervene for us
  3. O Patron of humility and concord,
  4. Hear us out.

Let's end the fourth day of the novena with the prayer "Father Charbel," in which we ask for guidance and strengthening in our daily path of faithfulness to God:

  1. Father Charbel, guide me on the paths of righteousness.
  2. Make my life a testimony to Your goodness.
  3. Help me to always follow the teachings of Christ.

Remember that the key part of any novena is consistency and commitment. We still have five days left - may each of them be another step in persevering in prayer and deepening your relationship with God through the intercession of St. Charbel.

Day 5 - Novena to St.Charbel

Day five of the novena to St. Charbel brings to mind the deep understanding of humility and faith that emanated from this saint. Like most days of this special prayer, the recitation on this day follows a specific structure. Each element has a role in the total surrender to the Holy Spirit.

1) Introduction

The faithful begin this day of the novena with a brief introduction referring to the ceremonial life of an eremite. This is a practice that occurs all days of the novena and forms the foundation of the daily reflections.

2) The "Father of Truth" prayer.

This is a special prayer that St. Charbel recited before his death. In this way, we imitate his last moments on earth, when he looked towards heaven full of humility and love for God.

3) Consideration of the day

Day five is devoted to reflecting on the theme of "faithfulness to the world." It familiarizes us with the idea of reconciling one's spirit with the realities of secular life without losing true faith.

4) Conclusion

The final stage is an opportunity to surrender to God's will just as St. Charbel did. This day ends with the repetition of the "Father of Truth" prayer.

I emphasize that every moment dedicated to the novena to St. Charbel is an opportunity for us to understand and embrace the same virtues that shaped him as a saint.

Day 6 - Novena to St. Charbel

Moving into the sixth day of the novena to St. Charbel, it is worth recalling the devotion and humility directed toward this saint. The current stage is a moment of contemplation on perfecting our spiritual life.

  1. We begin by confessing with an act of faith:
  2. Starting with the recitation of the "Father of Truth" prayer, the last before St. Charbel's death:
  3. It concludes with the "Father Charbel" Prayer:

Each day of the novena should be dedicated to a specific goal or intention, which should emanate from our hearts and be a signpost on the way to a deeper relationship with God through the mediation of St. Charbel.

Let us also remember the significant role of reflection. On this day, I suggest contemplating the gift of prayer. Let's reflect on the place that talking to God has in our lives and what it leads to.

My deep-rooted conviction in the effectiveness of the novena to St. Charbel gives me the strength to share this practice. I encourage everyone to take this time to deepen their personal spirituality and relationship with St. Charbel.

Try free your mind from daily worries, focus on the sixth prayer of the novena - this is a moment just for you and God. May this day be a source of peace, patience and understanding of God's plan for you.

Day 7 - Novena to St. Charbel

On the seventh day of the novena to St. Charbel, we focus our attention on our prayer for the ability to overcome difficulties. Any spiritual or material struggle becomes easier when we have a holy intercessor like St. Charbel by our side.

  1. Let's start by saying a "Hail Mary...".
  2. Then let's move on to a special prayer dedicated for the day:

"Father of Truth, You who endowed St. Father Charbel with fortitude and energy, let me gain these same qualities through his intercession. May his life of mortification remind me of the value of suffering and confronting problems.

I implore you through the intercession of St. Father Charbel - teach me to cope with every adversity that lies before me. Amen."

  1. After the prayer, we should say the "Hail Mary..." again.

Let's remember throughout the day to try to imitate the attitudes and virtues of St. Charbel, especially the quality of fortitude, which is so important when confronted with the difficulties of daily life.

We could also ask the Saint for his intercession for our intentions during prayer. Also now, as we conclude this day of novena, we should have in the back of our minds the thought of St. Charbel as our spiritual guide.

After completing this part of the novena, it is nice to spend a few minutes in silence and stillness, reflecting on the saint's teachings and virtues over the course of this special day.

Day 8 - Novena to St. Charbel

Day eight of the novena to St. Charbel is a day of special power and prayer intensity. We are now touching on the theme of hope, which is present in our hearts by the grace of God.

Start of the day

We begin with the sign of the cross, remembering that through this symbolism we secure God's blessing.


This is the moment when we officially open our hearts to God's action. We recite the words: "Heavenly Father, assist me with Thy strength...".

A time of reflection

This is an opportunity to focus on the life of St. Charbel and learn from his experiences and understand the depth of his faith and trust in God.

Completion of

We end with a prayer praising God for His love and patience. At this point we can also ask for a specific grace or intervention of Saint Charbel in our lives.

Remember that each day of the novena has its own unique character. It is worth approaching this day with personal commitment and dedication. This is a time of silence, meditation and fervent prayer.

Day 9 - Novena to St. Charbel

We begin the ninth and final day of the novena to St. Charbel. During the previous days we immersed ourselves in the life and teachings of St. Charbel, his deep love for God and his great charity for people.

Today is a time to spiritually sum up the blessed period of prayer during our novena. This is a special moment, full of joyful hope and anticipation of imminent answers from the Lord.

Let's start by saying the standard prayer dedicated to St. Charbel:

Saint Father Charbel, who spent your life serving God with the deepest humility and wisdom....

Then we add a special intention for which we wish to ask a favor through the intercession of the saint:

Holy Father Charbel, my request today concerns...

Remember just today the final part of our prayer together :

Father of Truth... St. Charbel's last prayer before his death.

Let's also not forget to thank St. Charbel for his intercession, along with expressing faith that our request will be heard.

Holy Father Charbel, I thank you for your merciful intercession and trust that my requests will be heard.

At the end, we raise a prayer to Our Lady of Consolation, patroness of the Maronite monastery:

O Blessed Mary , Our Consolation....

We end the ninth day by counting 9 rosaries on the beads considering the Passion mystery concerning the suffering of Christ. This is a great manifestation of God's love for us humans.

During the last day of the novena in honor of St. Charbel, let us remember how he tried to imitate Christ throughout his life from the lonely hardship of the desert, through the offering of himself to others to the fruits of the graces that he dispenses for us after death at the Throne of God. 

Your faith and discipline in abiding in this prayer will bring you blessings not only today, but also in the days, weeks and years to come.

Version in .pdf format (ready to print)

It is possible to have the entire novena to St. Charbel in one file, convenient for printing and transferring. A special version of the novena in .pdf format has been prepared just for such situations.

Why such a form?

Handy Access - We are not always online or have access to the Internet - especially when we are away from home or on a trip. The pdf version allows us to recite the novena wherever we are regardless of the conditions.

Print Ready- The PDF format is excellent for printing. This can be very useful if you want to have a physical copy of the novena with you as part of your regular prayer, or to share with friends or your parish community.

How can you use the PDF version?

In this section you will find a link that will take you directly to the PDF file. Click it, and then choose "download" or "print", depending on your needs. Just remember to always be able to use authorized sources - confirmed by clergy or using the official text of the novena.

The availability of the novena of St. Charbel in one place and the ability to print it out is a great help to all who want to pray it regularly. This way we can take our prayer wherever we go.

Reflections on the novena to St. Charbel

Novena to St. Charbel is a path of prayer that leads us along the paths of exceptional trust and faith. By pondering its texts, we can understand the depth of the commitments that this humble monk fought.

The first reflection that strikes one's eye when reading this novena is the humility of St. Charbel. For in all his prayers there is not a hint of hubris or boast of his own achievements. One can only see modesty and confidence coming straight from his heart.

The second reflection concerns the power and role of suffering in the life of a Christian. Saint Charbel truly teaches us the value of suffering as a sacrifice dedicated to God: "My suffering is my happiness." said someday. This lesson is a concoction of high spirituality mixed with unique human experience.

Finally, it is important to note Mary's role in the devotion to St. Charbel - she is the one close to him, whom he adores both as a mother and a champion of his spirit.

1️⃣ Humility 2️⃣ Suffering as a path to salvation 3️⃣ Mary's love

These three echoes that emerge from the novena to St. Charbel allow us to look at our daily experiences and trials in a completely different light. By following him, we learn the art of true humility, the courage of suffering and devotion to the Mother of God.

Summing up my reflections on the novena to St. Charbel, I can say without hesitation - this is a path worth taking. With its help, we can get closer to God and get to know ourselves and our mission as Christians better. Without a doubt, it is a spiritual journey full of learning and transformation brought by the life of the holy martyr - an extremely inspiring example of deep faith, determination and love of God.

What testimonies of miracles coming from St. Charbel are known?

Both at the time when St. Charbel lived and now, many people attribute to him various miracles that happened due to his intercession. In this section, we will highlight several such accounts.

  1. International recognition of the saint's elevation to the glory of the altars came when a coffin was accidentally scalded with hot wax during the examination of his remains by Maronite Church doctors. Initially suspected of profanity, the investigation nevertheless revealed the incredible - the body was untouched by the corrosion of time despite many years of resting in the tomb.
  2. A woman named Nohad El Shami claimed that she was miraculously cured of intervertebral disc degeneration thanks to prayers to St. Charbel. She recounted that she had seen him in a dream and that it was he who had restored her health. As proof, she presented x-rays from before and after the alleged healing.
  3. Also, many people reported the Saint's interventions in their lives through conducting novena to St. Charbel or asking for his intercession. The stories included those of recoveries from addictions, physical and emotional healings and conversions.

All these recollections are proof to many people that St. Charbel is a true saint and impose an obligation to spread the word about the possibility of benefiting from his intercession.

How is the novena to St. Charbel recited?

The recitation of the novena to St. Charbel is a specific ritualistic and personal process, and its main goal is to connect with God through prayers expressed from the depths of the heart. The basis of this spiritual practice is to engage in a nine-day cycle of prayers to recognize the holiness of St. Charbel and ask for his intercession.

  1. Get out of the room of daily noise: To recite the novena effectively, try to find a quiet place, free of distractions and interruptions.
  2. Open your heart: enter the Novena with an open heart and mind, ready to receive God's grace.
  3. Note the Intentions: Each day of the novena contains a special intention or theme to ponder and pray about. Take care to keep your meditation focused on these intentions each day.
  4. Saying the right prayers: Fidelity to the prayer texts prepared for each day of the Novena is crucial. Read the indicated prayers carefully, considering their content and meaning.
  5. Meditate: After saying your prayers, find time for quiet reflection and meditation. This will increase your awareness of your private dialogue with God.

Remember that your personal commitment and repetition of this practice are essential for the novena to be fully effective. That's why it's a good idea to make sure that you recite the prayers regularly for the next nine days.                          

You can make the reason for reciting a Novena to St. Charbel a specific intention that carries a need for special help or simply a desire for a deeper understanding of the spiritual heritage of the patron saint, St. Charbel. Remember, however, that the most important aspect of any novena is sincerity and openness of heart.

The final stage is thanksgiving - appreciate the gift of grace received during the Novena and express your gratitude by thanking Saint Charbel and the Most High for their support and protection.

When to pray the novena to St. Charbel?

The time to recite the novena to St. Charbel is actually arbitrary, as there is no strict time frame for this prayer practice. As a devotional of nine days, the novena can be started at any time, whenever we feel the need to dive deeper into prayer and ask for support.

However, I would like to point out one important aspect regarding the date for starting the novena. According to the common tradition of the Catholic Church, the ideal time to start the novenas of a saint is nine days before the liturgical feast in his honor. In the case of St. Charbel, I recommend starting the novena on July 17 in order to be able to complete it precisely on the day of his liturgical memorial - July 26.

Novena is a form of prayer with strong symbolism - the number "nine" refers to the days between the Ascension and Pentecost. It is a period of intense prayer for the Apostles and the Virgin Mary.

  1. Choose well the date to start the novena.
  2. Prepare yourself spiritually for this intimate time spent with God.
  3. Make it your duty to pray every day.

However, remember that Herz Jesus in the heaven of the church is limited to time and space. He hears our request for help at any time, so start the novena when you feel called to do so. Also, remember to detach from the affairs of daily life - focus only on your time together with God.

What can one ask St. Charbel for?

His holiness and steadfast devotion to his life to God have made St. Charbel one of the most revered saints in the Catholic Church today. The graces that the faithful can receive through his intercession are varied.

One of the key aspects of directing one's prayers to this saint is the request for healing. Countless anecdotes and stories of faith relay stories of people healed both physically and spiritually through the cause of St. Charbel. Therefore, if you are tormented by an ailment or illness, or wish to pray for the health of a loved one - you can sincerely ask St. Charbel in a novena.

Another powerful intention may be to ask for restoration of peace of heart or resolution of family conflicts. St. Charbel is also famous for graces granted for harmony and concord in the home and between loved ones.

You should also not forget the requests regarding your own spiritual path. If you are struggling to find the meaning of your life or the goal you should pursue - recommend yourself to this grace of St. Charbel.

However, it is important to remember that every prayer should always be an expression of full trust in God's action. St. Charbel, as a saint and our intercessor before God, does not guarantee immediate fulfillment of our requests, but helps bring them into the heart of God. He knows eternally better what is good for us and when to give us such grace. Our task is to humbly accept His will and patiently wait for the answer.