James is one of the biblical characters of the Old Testament. It's also called Israel-- By God. He was the son Isaac i Rebecca. Still fought with his brother Esau in his mother's womb. The brothers were to be the beginning of two separate nations.
The book of Genesis, which describes history JamesHe mentions the so-called Jacob's Ladder, which he dreamed while on his way to Charan. In his dream he saw a ladder leaning on the ground, reaching up to heaven with its top, and the angels of God ascending and descending. And he himself Mr. stood on top of it and said that he was the one Mr., God Abraham i God Isaac. The land on which he lies he gave to him and his offspring.
And his seed henceforth shall be as numerous as the dust of the earth. And he shall spread abroad to the west, and to the east, and to the north, and to the south: and all the tribes of the earth shall receive blessing by James and by his descendants. God promised him to be with them to guard him wherever he went, and then to bring him back to this country. He promised to abide with him for all time [(Genesis 28:12-15)].
What really God forwarded by To James via ladder dream heaven
W interpretations Christianity's many saints give the Jacob's ladder as the path/journey that human soul after death to ascend to heaven to see God light. Moreover, the ladder itself is often identified with Jesuswhich narrows the distance between Heaven and Earth.