What does it look like sky According to Christians? What the sky looks like after death. We already have knowledge regarding this what it is heaven and, as it were, where it is. So it is time to answer the question: what does heaven actually look like? However, it is very difficult to unequivocally answer this question. It is largely a very individual question.
By treating Heaven not as locationand as a proper state of reconciliation with the Lord By God It is not possible to define its appearance, design or size. Each of us should design for himself the appearance of his Heaven. We should design it in such a way as to motivate ourselves to act in this direction. It can be our beloved home or a dream place where we always wanted to be. Heaven is a place of complete harmony and happiness. So we can be sure that in either case we will find peace and bliss there.
Heaven, according to Christians, looks exactly as each of us would like it to. Heaven is an entirely new reality that we cannot comprehend with our earthly minds. None of us has ever had to deal with such a thing, so it is difficult to visualize it in words or even pictures. Sam Christ presented Heaven to his listeners by means of simple examples of a joyful wedding feast, a home party with upcoming or even a house with multiple apartments.