Is manifestation a sin? Man is considered to be the most perfect being created by God. As the only one of all creatures, we have been endowed with reason and free will. This uniqueness brings with it certain obligations. Since we possess reason and are able to make conscious decisions, we are fully responsible for their consequences.

God He gave man reason to use it. Failure to use reason is therefore a sin. As a thinking being, man should learn to distinguish between right and wrong. Of course, the signpost left to people by God to help them make right decisions is the Decalogue.

Whether a demonstration is a sin depends on the cause for which we are demonstrating. A manifestation in defense of Christian values; in defense of the rights, freedom, and dignity of others - is always treated as a good deed. The problem arises when we manifest in defense of values that are incompatible with Catholicism. Then it may be treated as a sin. Whether a manifestation is a sin is determined by our intentions. If we act from right and morally justified motives, there can be no question of sin.

The sin, on the other hand, we can certainly call manifesting for one's own, often primitive and empty benefits. Manifestation should always take place in defense of another person or entire social groups. It should not contradict the general interest. Manifesting for one's own interest is a manifestation of hubris i greed.