Young people in particular are asking themselves this question, having in mind the clear position of the Catholic Church, according to which sex before marriage is a grave sin. Petty sexual fondling, not leading to orgasm, is somewhat lighter in their eyes... So is petting a sin?

Yes, any form of premarital sexual act is a sin. Every person who wants to live according to the principles of the Catholic faith must remember this. Yes, there is a chance to obtain absolution in confession, but only under one condition: that one sincerely regrets the act and there is no intention of continuous intercourse before receiving the sacrament. Both sex with penetration and lighter varieties of fondling are considered inappropriate here. The question arises, however: is petting in marriage a sin?

Is petting in marriage a sin?

Here there is no more complete clarity, because everything depends, of course, on the individual approach. It should be remembered that in the case of marital sex there are no prohibitions -. Church even encourages rapprochement among such couples. However, here too there is one condition: by definition, the sexual act is supposed to lead to conception, this is supposed to be the goal. So in this case, is petting a sin? After all, it takes the form of petting, which is not aimed at conception. However, at this point it is important to remember the experience of mutual intimacy among spouses, which is seen as a very good thing. From this perspective, petting is not a sin when the entire range of activities associated with it consequently leads to the creation of a new person, and not just the experience of orgasm.