Mystery Human life begins at the moment of conception. This is an extremely important moment for each of us, because then we became what we are today - each of us became a human being, with the inalienable element of human dignity. Under the action of time, environmental conditions and the help of other people, we changed, we grew, but in essence we remained the same - children of God, the same as before birth. But why do modern methods raise moral questions? Why in vitro is a sin?

This topic is extremely broad and can be written about for many pages, especially when we consider the opinions of people who, for example, cannot conceive offspring naturally. Nevertheless, the Catholic Church's teaching treats IVF as a sin because it opposes the natural transmission of life. Moreover, the artificial insemination process uses other fetuses and then selects the one with the best prognosis. From this perspective, in vitro is unethical and has been considered a sin because human beings are valued based on their condition, moreover, some fetuses are not allowed to develop naturally, which is unacceptable, according to the Church.

We encourage you to keep up with the latest news on this topic to expand your knowledge about IVF and infertility treatments.