Is hell eternal? In answering this question, it is useful to return to the previous paragraph, in which we analyze existenceand the appearance of hell. The fact that hell exists we now know with certainty. What does it look like the state of hell and whether hell Is it eternal? Hell lures the souls of sinners more than once during mortal life. More often than not, we can experience the forces of hell firsthand than the forces of good. This is, of course, a completely illusory notion and produced by the forces of evil. However, the existence of hell cannot be omitted from these considerations. Church Catholic instructs its faithful about the existence of hell and, importantly in the context of this question, its irrevocable state.

This means that souls who go to hell in a state of mortal sin go there forever. It is, as the church points out, an ETERNAL separation of the soul from the Lord By God. Condemnation is brought about by man's voluntary turning away from God, and once more it is a turning away for eternity. It is true that hell came into being much later than everything divine, but it is an irreversible choice. As foretold, the forces of evil will be banished from the earth only on the day of final judgment, but the souls of the damned will remain there for all time. In answer to the question, "Is hell eternal?" it must be stated emphatically that hell is an eternal and irreversible condition of the soul.