Do Church pays taxes in Poland? Does Church pays tax on donations?

Taxation Church This is a fairly common theme in public debate. On the one hand websites It is logical that the Church institution should not influence the state, nor should the state interfere in the internal life of the faithful. However, what history with the money the faithful spend on Church?

It should start with the fact that all religious associations are exempt from keeping tax records. So it is not known exactly how much money comes in and how much goes out of the church institutions. The cash that is collected during any kind of mass whether services doesn't go into your pocket, of course priests. Nor is it externally recorded in any way. Thus, it is logical that these are moneywhich are not subject to taxation. They shall be used for the maintenance of buildings ecclesiastical, own expenses and charitable purposes. Such revenues depend primarily on the volume of of the parish and the number of believers. This money should be viewed as the money that the faithful use to support their own communitiesthey are given up voluntarily. From websites legal, it should be considered as a kind of tax relief.

It's different with the money they make priests for their work. In the legal sense these are normal earnings and therefore subject to taxation. Priests have two options to choose from: accounting according to general rules, i.e. in in the form of income tax or pay a lump sum. The amount of the lump sum paid depends on the size of of the parish That is, on the number of the faithful under a given parish. Another way of earning some priests is also school work, for which they also account under common tax rules.

Does the church pay gift tax?

Faithful may also donate to Church donations. For the transmission of donations The faithful are encouraged through income tax deductions that the state gives to the person who wants to make such a donation. The tax relief limit is 6 percent of the taxpayer's annual income. This is the so-called donation in order to worship. There is also donation for charitable and welfare purposes Church (i.e. all kinds of hospices, night shelters, canteens). In this case the taxpayer gets the possibility to deduct the whole amount donated from the tax, without any upper and lower limit. Same Churches do not pay additional gift tax.

You have to also point out the fact of property tax breaks and exemptions. All those which by Church shall be used for the purposes of worship are completely exempt from the obligation to pay taxes. The exemption also includes residences priests i monks (for example vicarages and monasteries), schools and seminaries, convents contemplative, homes formation of religious orders, homes for priests retirees and for retired sisters, or at least the premises and housing parts belonging to church authorities.