Like Moses called Manna? What was Manna for Moses and for Israelites? Where did it even come from and what was its significance?

During the hike of the Chosen People from Egyptian captivity to Promised Land More than once they experienced the great hardships of their journey. Many times they found themselves in extremely difficult situations, feeling the lack of food or no water.

Let's not forget that the entire journey took 40 years. An additional difficulty was the very terrain through which the Israelites were passing. It was desert. So we can only try to imagine how difficult conditions were in there.

But all the time he was watching over his people Mr.. He did not allow his people suffer deprivation for no apparent reason and at the request of Moses and israelites has helped them in their wanderings many times.

One of the most famous events, testifying to the providence of Mr. was the parting of the Red Sea as they fled from Pharaoh's army egyptian.

A month after leaving the house of bondage, the people began to complain about the scarcity of food and the difficulty of finding it. It was then Mr. promised to them that food would fall from the sky like rain, and he kept his word. The next day the Israelites saw something white on the ground. It was food as he announced to them Moses. It was manna from heaven that tasted like flakes of honey.

However, they were not allowed to gather provisions for the next day (except Saturdays), as manna fell from the sky every day. Then it Mosesannouncing the miraculous news to his people, he called manna bread.