Was Jesus a carpenter? Is Jesus ever did any work and how he actually supported himself. As mentioned in earlier sections of this article, little is known about the early life of Jesus The most is known about his teaching and spiritual activities, which he began at the age of 30. Most is known about his teaching and spiritual activities, which he began at the age of 30.

It is most often assumed that Jesus, like His Father Joseph, z profession was a carpenter. Carpenter i.e. profession woodworking, consisting of making elements of construction, parts of equipment and details from wood, permanently connected with the object of activity (building, structure, ship). This profession, by its nature, can be confused with the profession of carpenter. Carpenter Unlike a carpenter, he makes wooden walls or even roof structures, carpenter while he does the floors, doors and windows. He uses carpentry tools to do this.

To answer the question, "whether Jesus of he was a carpenter," it is necessary to consider the question of what kind of environment he lived in during the seventeen years of his earthly life, about which we know nothing, but above all we must find the right premises that allow us to determine the social character of this environment. As in the case of determining appearance and clothing of the Lord JesusIt is very important to consider the environment in which he lived and what were the typical activities for people living in Jerusalem at that time.

Agricultural motifs figure prominently in the biblical parables, while the work The carpenter is mentioned only a few times. Some Scholars therefore question the validity of the statement that Jesus was a carpenter. It is very likely, then, that Jesus was associated with farm work, since he was well versed in it, as the biblical passages confirm.