W jaki way Christ is present in the liturgy? Liturgy by definition is a form of religious worship. In a nutshell, the Christian liturgy is the Mass. Through the Liturgy, Christians have the unique opportunity to commune directly with Christ, who is present in the Liturgy. However, how is Christ present in the liturgy?

Christ is present in the liturgy in every significant place in the liturgy.

He is present above all in the figure of the priest who is the continuator of the work Christ on earth. Through the words of a priest, Christ reaches his faithful. Moreover, priests make it possible to understand and interpret His words.
Christ is present in the liturgy in the Eucharist received by the faithful. Each of us receives God's body through it and, as it were, unites himself with the Lord. Christ comes to us in the form of bread and wine.

Christ also appears in the liturgy in the Word of God, during the administration of the Blessing, Holy Communion or even Holy Confession. Christ is available to His faithful and surrounds them with His grace. So it is worth attending Mass to be closer to Christ. Jesus Christ.