Christ He leads us away from sin so that we can stay on the path of righteousness. Christ took on an earthly body at the Incarnation so that He could identify with our weakness and experience fully human suffering, but He never sinned. He is right in front of you, if only you will open your eyes to see Him!
Furthermore, Christians believe that God sent Jesusthat he may mediate between himself as Father and all creation, bringing it to life through him as Son, who unites all believers into one family devoid of corruption and division. Indeed, "there is one mediator between By God and humanity; namely Jesus Christ."

Christ is present among his people as he watches over us and provides us with sustenance. Christ leads us away from sin so that we can stay on the path of righteousness. Christ took on an earthly body at the Incarnation so that He could identify with our weakness and experience human suffering in its fullness, but He never sinned. He is right in front of you, if only you will open your eyes to see Him!
Furthermore, Christians believe that God sent Jesus to mediate between himself as Father and all creation, restoring it to life through him as a son who unites all believers into one family devoid of corruption and division. Indeed, "there is one mediator between God and humanity; namely Jesus Christ.”