As Catholic believers, it is important to understand the Church's teachings and how they apply to our daily lives. Many people wonder if excitement or feelings of joy can be seen as sin. Let's take a closer look at what Church has to say on the subject.

What does the Bible say?

Bible does not explicitly state that excitement or feelings of joy are a sin. In fact, there are many examples in the Bible of God-fearing people feeling joy and expressing their emotions in various ways. For example, Luke 15:5-7 says that when one lost sheep was found, "greater will be the joy in heaven over one sinner who repents than over ninety-nine righteous people who do not need to repent." This passage is just one example of how Christianity encourages its followers to express their emotions freely

The problem with excessive joy

While it is perfectly acceptable for believers to feel excitement or joy, there can be some danger associated with these emotions if we go too far. When we become so consumed with our own happiness that we forget the greatness of God and His divine plan for us, then it becomes a problem and can lead to sin. Therefore, it is important for Catholics to remember that God should always come first before our own desires and wants

In conclusion, excitement and feelings of joy are not sins in themselves, but they can become problematic if taken too far. It is important for Catholic believers to keep this in mind when expressing their emotions, so as not to lose sight of God's glory and His plan for them. By understanding how the Church views these emotions, we can more easily distinguish right from wrong and live in accordance with God's grace and love.