Who was Christ? Born in Bethlehem, is the central figure of the Christian religion. Christ is considered to be a divine figure as one of the three persons co-existent with the father. Christ is considered to be a human figure of God. His presence and activity in the first century AD is also confirmed by historians of the time. Christ during his lifetime was a carpenter and preacher in the Roman province of Judea.

According to the Bible, he was born into a Jewish family as the son of Mary, wife of the Joseph. Baptism received at the hands of John the Baptist. The role of Christ on earth as the Son of God is very immense. After his baptism, he began his work as a teacher and messenger of the word of his Father. He traveled and gathered disciples around Him, performing many miracles during this time, including many healings. Christ Himself called Himself the Messiah, which brought Himself the hostility of the Pharisees and Sadducees. One of the most important activities of Christ on earth was teaching, during which he transmitted the most important ideas of Christianity.

Who was Christ according to the Christian faith? He was the incarnate Son of God and also the second person in the Trinity, born of the Father before all ages. According to Christian teaching, Christ was conceived of the Holy Spirit. He was condemned to death by Pontius Pilate. He was put to death, thus redeeming human sins. Christ was one person with two natures: divine and human.