Benjamin (née Psomas or Kyriakou, 1871 - February 17, 1946) was Ecumenical Patriarch of Constantinople from January 18, 1936 to ...
Does the soul of a suicide go to Heaven?
Does the soul of a suicidal person go to Heaven? Nowadays, more and more people are struggling with numerous mental health issues and ...
Is the Antichrist already on Earth?
Is the antichrist already on earth? The antichrist in the shortest terms is the opposite of Christ. A being who will come into the world to perform ...
St. Thomas Aquinas on women
Saint Thomas Aquinas lived from 1225 to 1274 and is considered one of the greatest philosophers of his era. He belonged to the Order of ...
What is sanctifying grace?
What is sanctifying grace? Every human being at the moment of coming into the world is burdened with original sin. This results, of course, from ...
Jesus' baptism in the Jordan
Baptism is the first and most important sacrament received by man. It frees one from the yoke of original sin. It is called the sacrament of accession, ...
What is purgatory?
The word purgatory comes from the Latin purgatorium. It is an undefined, otherworldly place where departed souls go after death. The purpose of staying in ...
How to call up ghosts
Inherent in most religions is the belief in extraterrestrial life. As Christians, we believe that we possess a soul that is immortal and even ...
The Babylonian harlot
The name Babylon refers directly to the biblical parable of the tower of Babel. The structure was supposed to be a kind of "gate to heaven". They tried to build it ...
The story of Samson and Dalila in the Bible
The biblical Samson was a Nazirite, or a man who took a vow of total devotion to God. This involved a duty of purity, ...