There are several editions of the Holy Scriptures. In Poland, the most popular translation is the Thousand Years, or Bible published by the Pallotinum publishing house - the Millennium Bible. It is the one most often used by Catholics. However, there are other translations - for example, the Gdansk Bible. As church Catholic views on other translations?

Gdansk Bible

It was first published in the 16th century. It was intended to be ecumenical, but shortly after its publication, the then Pope Urban VIII issued a document forbidding the reading of the Danzig Bible and its distribution. Failure to comply with this regulation was punishable by a curse - excommunication, or exclusion from the Church.

In connection with the document, most of the copies issued were destroyed.

Danzig Bible vs Catholic Church

Currently, the Catholic Church has not banned the reading of the Danzig Bible. So a Catholic can reach for it, but it's worth being aware that the translation is slightly different from the Catholic one, and it doesn't have all the books. In the liturgy, on the other hand, it cannot be used because of some discrepancies.