Examination of conscience and prayer

An account of conscience is a review of one's past thoughts, words, deeds and omissions to determine their conformity to or deviation from the moral law. Among Christians, it is generally a private review; secular intellectuals sometimes publish self-criticisms for public use. In the Catholic Church, penitents who wish to receive the sacrament of penance are encouraged to make an examination of conscience using the Ten Commandments, or beatitudes, virtues and vices. A similar doctrine is taught in Lutheran churches, where penitents who wish to receive the sacrament of penance are asked to use the Ten Commandments as a guide. The process is very similar to the Islamic practice of Muhasab, or self-reflection.

Reckoning of conscience before confession

"The perfection of this practice and its fruitfulness for Christian virtue," - proclaimed Pope Pius X - "are clearly established by the teaching of the great masters of the spiritual life." In his Spiritual Exercises, he presents its various forms in a detailed and a general examination (24-43). Of the general examination he writes: "The first point is to give thanks to God our Lord for the graces received" (43). This point has become a highly developed part of Ignatian spirituality in modern times and has led to many other positive practices, generally referred to as the examination of consciousness. In the two-day "examinations," ways can be reviewed, in what way God was present through one person to others, and through others to himself, and how one responded to it, and proceed in his life with gratitude, more aware of God's presence in his life.

In general, there is a distinction between a specific examination that seeks to change one particular trait or defect in one's own behavior, an examination of consciousness that is a more nuanced reflection, and a general examination of conscience used before the sacrament of penance." This last method is called an examination of conscience because it is a review of one's conduct from a moral standpoint, reflecting on one's responsibility and looking at one's sins and weaknesses in preparation for repentance, as opposed to an examination of conscience, which does not focus on morality, even if sins arise during the review of the day.

Prayer and the examination of conscience

The examination of conscience was commanded by the Apostle St. Paul that the faithful should perform it each time they receive Holy Communion: "But let a man examine himself, and so let him eat that bread And drinks from this cup. For whoever eats and drinks unworthily, eats and drinks condemnation to himself..." For if we would judge ourselves, we should not be judged." (1 Corinthians 11:28-31, KJV). And because the early Christians received Holy Communion very often, the examination of conscience became a familiar exercise of their spiritual lives. In many cases, it became a daily practice of life for early members of the clergy and those who lived a monastic life, such as the hermit St. Anthony, who was said to examine his conscienceWhile St. Basil of Caesarea, St. Augustine of Hippo, St. Bernard of Clairvaux, and the founders of religious orders generally made the examination of conscience a regular, daily exercise for their followers. Lay members of congregations were encouraged to undertake this practice as a salutary measure of progress in virtue. St. Bernard taught: "As a seeker of the integrity of your own conduct, subject your life to a daily examination. Consider carefully what progress you have made or what ground you have lost. Make an effort to know yourself. Put all your faults before your eyes. Face yourself as if you were a different person, and then weep for your faults."

The pious examination of conscience and preparation for Reconciliation

The pious examination of conscience differs from that required as a rough preparation for the Sacrament of Reconciliation, the purpose of which is to recognize all sins requiring penance. A variety of more detailed methods may be employed in the study for confession, using the Ten Commandments of God, the Commandments of the Church, the Seven Capital Sins, the duties of one's own state of life, the nine ways of participating in the sin of others.

Reckoning of conscience and spiritual exercises

Ignatius of Loyola's Spiritual Exercises contains five points. In the first point, followers thank God for the benefits they have received; in the second, they ask for the grace to know and correct our mistakes; in the third, they go through the hours of the day, noting what mistakes they have made in deed, word, thought, or omission; in the fourth, they ask for God's forgiveness; in the fifth, they aim to change.